This photo is a photograph from KB41 Collection, (WH1672) that will at some stage be featured on the blog
Hello Everyone and welcome to the KB Community!
This is a community tab of our collection that will act as a forum for everyone to integrate and share!
A place where you can ask questions, discuss and share informative posts!
So please share our website and this forum with you're friends and other passionate people
so that we can grow!
So Where to begin ?
This Community will work as a forum, with different categories where members can interact with each other and share their passions similar to what we do at KB41 Collection. A place for Collectors of all periods and areas to come together. Living Historians, Philatelists, Prestigious collectors and beginners. All are welcome!
This community will have different categories that will set the theme as to what is discussed in them. For example, there is a Living History/Re enacting category where discussions surrounding different types of Living History and Re enacting that we do across different periods, advice and tips on impressions.
This is just one example of the types of themes that can be discussed here, from any period; English Civil War,
Vietnam war to British First World War or Medieval any and all are welcome to be discussed, by any experience level. So that the community can learn from each other and develop.
This is the same with the Militaria themed categories that, no matter the size or experience level of the collection or interest all are welcomed to discuss their respectable categories. Any period and any type, from Photographs like we do at KB41 Collection to helmets, coins to stamp collections. This community doesn't tolerate any belittling and is designed not only to share the passion that we all have but to develop our knowledge and skills in the areas we not only collect but in areas we don't so that we can learn from each other regardless.
Community Posting
The community will have different types of posting. The initial a informal place to discuss items in the respectable categories, in any level of information and detail. Across all categories, allowing integration of all levels of knowledge and collection size. Informal posting will be the majority of this community, with roles and badges for Top Posters, Experts to name a few.
However one category that will be introduced will be a section for more revised and researched posts on topics either in collections, or on a chose subject or theme that the member is knowledgeable and passionate in by members of the community - These posts would be reviewed and proof read prior to posting as they will be showcased in a more focused and detailed format similar to the style that we ourselves post in KB41 Collection . We understand this is not for everyone but it will be in place to allow members to showcase their items and ideas within our own community.
We Hope you will enjoy the community and look forward to seeing your posts!
Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated, please email us directly with regards to the community or comment questions on the Feedback and Questions Post.