Here are some Brief Rules for the Community!

Here are some brief rules of the KB Community.
This Community is designed to bring us all together because of our love and interest in history, Militaria collecting and Living History ! We are all collectors or enthusiasts with different levels of knowledge and expertise in different fields, the aim is to try and share all of our knowledge throughout this community and learn from each other through posting!
Be respectful of other peoples Posts in what they share, if someone doesn't know something don't ridicule or insult them for it, one of the main aims is to share information in a friendly and constructive. Be respectful and kind to others, no matter the size or context of their post.
Use appropriate categories for discussions.
NO POLITICS TO BE DISCUSSED - (Historical debates around images or places are exempt. However, holocaust denial or any defamatory comments about similar issue debates are not tolerated or similar topics are not tolerated) - Discussion of topics linked to the Holocaust or such atrocities when in context to militaria or discussion surrounding a post are fine but not in a political sense - Any form of Modern Politics will not be tolerated.