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“the_kriegsberichter_41” Photography is a Non Political photography blog, formed from the collection of the owner, who utilises the operating mark of “the_kriegsberichter_41” to share and comment on Original Photographs from Germany during The Third Reich, World War One and Two (The Great War, The Second World War, WW1, WW2, WWII, Interwar, and other such terms and inferences), often complete with annotations and other explanatory information, to assist the interested reader in the historical depiction, or identity of persons contained within. It is with; and, or for, the express purpose of historical interest, education, and pride in the collection that he has amassed, and continues to amass.
Thank you for your support and interest.
The Kriegsberichter 41
The Images
Every such image is owned in a physical state, scanned and rendered into an electronic format for the blog, for the purpose; and
Such Images are purchased from private collectors, archives, “makers” & “Framers” of the images and a number of further sources; and
By this statement, it is stated the owner lawfully obtains and purchases the images, of which he retains; and
that his sharing is an expression of his rights of ownership; and
Further to this, the right of copyright when shared applies; therefore
All such images featured are copyrighted and watermarked, which forms a notation or source from “the_kriegsberichter_41” and exclusive ownership of the same.
Copyright Notice
Copyright © 2016 (and following) “the_kriegsberichter_41” (Reviewed 2023)
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the Owner, except in the case of brief quotations or “The sharing” buttons of the social media platform upon which it is found, which still retains the watermark, for all non-profit or “Look at this” shares with friends or acquaintances. No removal of the watermark is permitted in any circumstances, whatsoever, in the aforementioned “share” to friends. No form of “Usurping of images” will be tolerated for competing interests.
For permission requests, write to owner, via PM or DM on the platform of origin.
© 2016 (Reviewed and Represented 2024) by The Kriegsberichter 41