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#24- Osterfahrt in Barwede und Brief an den Speiß - 28.4.43

Writer's picture: The Kriegsberichter 41 The Kriegsberichter 41

Part of The KB41 Collection On This Day Series

This is the 24nd letter in the series of Feldpost's that Herbert writes home to his family whilst away from home. This letter like previous letter written on the 22nd also has the Feldpost envelope. A swift Reichspost service sees the letter sent from Herbert's reserve hospital in Braunschweig (Brunswick) to his family in Kiel. This letter like previous being shared exactly 80 years on this day since it was sent!

The Feldpost reads in German as:

Braunschweig, den 28.04.43

Ihr Lieben!

Gestern erhielt ich Euer liebes Päkchen, sowie Hanne´s und

Muttis Brief. Ich habe mich sehr gefreut. Wie habt Ihr denn

nun Ostern verlebt? Ich bin mit meinem ganz zufrieden. Oster-

sonntag um 9 Uhr sind wir von hier mit dem Omnibus nach

Barwede, einem Dorf von 200 Einwohnern am Anfang der Heide ge-

fahren. Dort waren dann die Dorfschönen versammeln und brachten

uns ein Ständchen, dann hielt der Ortsgruppenleiter eine Ansprache

und verteilte uns auf die einzelnen Bauern. Ich wurde bei einem

Bäcker in Kost gegeben. Es war ganz prima. Ein Essen gabs, als

wenn Hochzeit wäre.So ging der erste Tag viel zu schnell vorüber.

Ostermontag bekamen wir zwei Eier extra und 1/2 Pfund Pralinen.

Nachmittags habe ich noch mal bei Rönnebergs eingegukt und abends

war ich im Kino.

Gestern bei der Visite sagte der Stabsarzt, daß ich in den Harz

verlegt werden soll. Dann lerne ich doch auch gleich mal das Gebirge

kennen. Ich freue mich schon darauf. Hoffentlich leidet aber

mein Anspruch auf Genesungsurlaub nicht darunter.

Als Matusseck hat Euch besucht. Ich kenn ihn gut. Wir waren

zusammen an einem Werfer. Aber daß die Kompanie noch keine

Nachricht hat verstehe ich nicht. Ich habe doch an Petersen und

dem Spieß geschrieben. Es wird wohl inzwischen angekommen sein.

Den Eierkognack habe ich schon probiert und er schmeckt wirklich

gut. Nun will ich schließen.

Es grüßt Euch alle

Euer Herbert

The letter in English reads as:

Brunswick, 28.04.43

Dear all!

Yesterday I received your dear parcel, as well as Hanne's and

Mutti's letter. I was very pleased. How have you

spent Easter? I am quite satisfied with mine. Easter-

Sunday at 9 a.m. we left here by bus to Barwede, a village of 200 inhabitants near

of Heide. There the village beauties were gathered and

serenaded us, and then the leader of the local group gave a speech

and distributed us among the individual farmers. I came to a baker. It was very good.

We had a meal as if it were a wedding. So the first day went by much too fast.

Easter Monday we got two eggs extra and 1/2 pound of chocolates.

In the afternoon I went again to Rönnebergs and in the evening

I went to the cinema.

Yesterday at the round the staff doctor said that I should be transferred to the Harz.

Then I'll get to know the mountains as well. I am already looking forward to it.

Hopefully, however my claim to convalescent leave does not suffer from it.

So Matusseck visited you. I know him well. We were

together at a launcher. But I don't understand why the

Company hasn't got any message yet. I've written to Petersen and

and the Speiß . It must have arrived by now.

I have already tried the egg cognac and it tastes really good.

Now I want to close.

Greetings to you all

Your Herbert


This Feldpost letter starts with Herberts warm greetings and thanks to Hanne's and Mutti's letters. This being Herbert's "Mutti" (Mother) and suggested as Herbert's Sister, Hanne. This is extended by Herbert's question of how the family's Ostern (Easter) was and how they have spent it. Herbert details how Easter was for him during his stay in hospital. Easter Sunday at 9am Herbert and other patients left the hospital in Brunswick to visit a "Barwede" a village with roughly 200 inhabitants. This village being roughly 30 minutes travel from the centre of Brunswick. Herbert and his fellow Soldaten who are well enough to get such a privilege for Easter travelled by bus where the "Village Beauties" gathered and serenaded him. This being a remark to the beautiful people (Likely women) that were there to greet him which Herbert would have enjoyed greatly. This gathering was followed by "The leader of the local group" his case likely a Gauleiter of the NSDAP for the area. The leader gave a speech to which the patients were distributed to individual farmers, Herbert being sent to a baker who Herbert recalls was very good. A Easter Meal that was if it was for a wedding, the first day going too fast and on Easter Monday was gifted two extra eggs and half a pound of chocolates.

After this Herbert details how he went to visit the Rönnebergs (Carers that were mentioned in previous letters) and then later in the evening Herbert visited the cinema. This is then followed by details of Herbert's stay at the hospital as the staff doctor from Brunswick said that he should be transferred hospitals to "Harz", this being a region a highland area in Northern Germany in the Lower Saxony region. Herbert jokingly writes "Then I'll get to know the mountains as well" Herbert saying he is already looking forward to it. Herbert still hopeful for his convalescent leave.

Herbert then draws the letter to a close replying to what his family has told him about their home life, "Matusseck" visiting Herbert's family, someone who Herbert knew well, at a "Launcher" this suggesting that Herbert knew Matusseck from training with Mortars (Suggested from previous letters). Herbert details after how there has been no news from the Kompanie (Company) as Herbert has written to Petersen and the Speiß. Herbert hoping to hear news soon as he hopes the Kompanie would have his letter by now. The letter coming to a close not before Herbert writes how he has tried the egg cognac and remarks it "tastes really good". Hebert sending his best wishes before signing off, Euer Herbert, Your Herbert.


© 2016 (Reviewed and Represented 2024) by The Kriegsberichter 41

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