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#26- Muttertagswünsche und die Sehnsucht nach Zuhause - 13.05.43

Writer's picture: The Kriegsberichter 41 The Kriegsberichter 41

Part of The KB41 Collection On This Day Series

This is the 26th letter in the series of Feldpost's that Herbert writes home to his family whilst away from home. This letter not only the final letter of May 1943 but also the final letter Herbert writes from Hospital in Braunschweig. With previous known information in correspondence between Herbert and his family as a request for convalescent leave was likely. This letter shows a heartfelt message detailed to his "Mutti" (Mother) who we learn the name of as it is written on the envelope. Herbert Mutti also known as Anna Tank is who Herbert addresses his final known letter from Hospital to.

The Feldpost envelope also features a interesting post mark of

The Feldpost in German reads as:

Braunschweig, 13.5.1943

Liebe Mutti!

Meine herzlichsten Glückwünsche zum Muttertage. Leider

kann ich sie Dir nur brieflich übermitteln. Ich hatte schon

Urlaub eingereicht für Sonntag und bestimmt damit gerechnet, daß er

genehmigt würde; aber es haben zu viele eingereicht und da mußten die Ledigen

eben verzichten. Aber ich werde viel an Dich denken. Am nächsten Sonntag

wird es dann aber bestimmt was, hat der Stabsarzt mir versprochen.

Könnt Euch ja schon darauf einstellen. Meine Harzverlegung steigt

am Dienstag darauf. Es ist sicher besser Pappa besucht mich dort. Hier

ist es nämliche blöde.

Heute erhielt ich Deinen lieben Brief vom 12. d. Mts. Vielen Dank

für die Marken und das Geld. Ich kann beides gut gebrauchen. Mit dem

Rauchen bin ich schlecht dran. Die acht Zigaretten, die es hier pro

Tag gibt sind doch schnelle alle. Ich habe momentan keine einzige. Aber

morgen kommt ja Herr Möhle mit einem Rauchpaket. Freue mich

auf beides. Das Führerpaket ist ja endlich auch angekommen, Die Butter wirst

Du jetzt wohl gut gebrauchen können, so Pappa auch der Pflege bedarf. Ich

bin recht froh, daß das Resultat der Kontrolle gut ist. Ich habe mir doch

manchmal Sorgen gemacht.

Wie lange hat Ernst Heuermann eigentlich Urlaub gehabt. Schade,

daß ich nicht in Kiel bin, wo jetzt alle die früheren Freunde auf Urlaub

kommen. Julius Claußen war ja auch da. Aber vielleicht treffe ich ja

noch mit Walter zusammen. Kannst du mir nicht seine Adresse schicken.

Ich hätte ihm gerne mal geschrieben.

Nochmals die herzlichsten Grüße

liebe Mutti,

Dein Herbert.


N.G. An Cile habe ich zum Geburtstag geschrieben. Werde dann wohl

bald Antwort bekommen. Gruß H.

The Feldpost in English reads as:

Brunswick, 13.5.1943

Dear Mum!

My warmest congratulations on Mother's Day. Unfortunately

I can only send them to you by letter. I had already applied for

leave for Sunday and I was sure that it would be approved; but

too many have submitted and the single people had to abstain.

But I will think of you a lot. Next Sunday I am sure that I will

get the leave, the staff doctor promised me.

You can already prepare for it. My transfer to Harz mountains will take place

on Tuesday. It's better if Dad visits me there. Here it is not so good.

Today I received your dear letter from 12th this month. Many thanks

for the stamps and the money. I can make good use of both.

I am on a bad way with smoking. The eight cigarettes that are available here per day

are gone too fast. I don't have a single one at the moment. But

tomorrow, mister Möhle comes with a smoking package.

I look forward to both. The Führer package has finally arrived, the butter will be

a good use for you, because Pappa also needs care. I am quite glad that

the result of the control is good. I was worried sometimes.

How long has Ernst Heuermann actually been on vacation? It is a pity

that I am not in Kiel, where all my former friends are now on vacation.

Julius Claußen was also there. But maybe I will meet

with Walter. Can't you send me his address? I want to write to him.

Once again the warmest greetings

Dear Mutti,

Yours Herbert.


N.G. I have written to Cile for her birthday. Will probably

get an answer soon. Greetings H.


The heartfelt Feldpost that Herbert writes to his Mutti (Mother) starts by sending his best wishes and congratulating his mother on "Muttertage" (Mothers Day). Herbert sending his love and best wishes but unfortunately leave to visit his Mutti and family isn't possible . Hebert explains how he applied for this leave for Sunday but too many other patients at the hospital have also applied, this expected as many wounded and recovering Soldaten would have loved the opportunity to visit their families, those that they might not have seen for many months or even years. Besides this Herbert details that he will be thinking a lot of his Mutti whilst he stays in Hospital for Mothers Day in Brunswick.

Herbert then writes good news of a more promising leave for the following Sunday as it was has been promised to him by the staff doctor and for his family to prepare for his visit. This would be a hopeful event for both Herbert and his family. Herbert also details that the previously mentioned transfer to the Harz Mountains has gone through and will take place on Tuesday. Stating that it will be easier for his Pappa to visit as it will be closer for him. This being mentioned likely due to Herbert's Pappa being in a hospital closer to Harz Mountain region, as previously mentioned Herbert's Pappa was unwell himself. Herbert briefly detailing that with him currently it is all good.

Herbert addresses a letter that his Mutti wrote to him from the 12th May. Herbert thanks his Mutti for the stamps and money, Herbert explaining how he can make good use of both. Herbert then mentions smoking, as previously mentioned in letters it is something he was advised to stop and Herbert himself detailed he was going to quit it for good. But like most with an addiction Herbert hasn't be able to shift this addiction. Herbert mentions that he is struggling with smoking currently, 8 cigarettes a day being a limit that Herbert details is going to fast and at the time of writing this letter has no cigarette to smoke. Herbert detailing a relief to his smoking drought as a "Mister Möhle" will be brining a smoking package to him. Herbert also then details the "Führer package" as previously mentioned in a letter from "30.3.43" in which Herbert explains how the items of the packet would benefit himself and his family back in Kiel respectfully. This mentioned with butter that would benefit the family at home. Herbert also briefly mentioning that the "Führer package" would help his Pappa as he is still recovering from his illness mentioned in previous Feldpost's.

Herbert then addresses news of friends as what appears to be leave requests of his hometown friends have come through. This is assumed written by his family to Herbert as he replies with their names. "How long has Ernst Heuermann actually been on vacation?" Herbert writing how he wishes that he was home in Kiel to see his friends, "Julius Claußen" was also mentioned, this in addition to "Walter" all friends that Herbert hopes he may see soon. Herbert asking his family to find the address of his friends so that Herbert can write to them whilst he is in Hospital recovering, just as he writes to his family.

Herbert draws this letter to a close with a final message and wishes to his "Dear Mutti", this due to Herbert writing this on Mothers day, a different date celebrated in other countries. The reverse page mentions of a friend by the name of "Clie" for their birthday . Hoping they will get a reply soon from him.


© 2016 (Reviewed and Represented 2024) by The Kriegsberichter 41

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