Part of The KB41 Collection On This Day Series
This is the second letter after Herbert's return to writing home to his family. The previous letter (#27) gave reassurance of Herbert safety and current position conditions. The previous Feldpost mentioned that Herbert's Kompanie sustained heavy losses but Herbert himself and some of his Kameraden were fine. The present enemy at hand in Herbert's Bunker were rats. This letter being written just two days after the last gives Herbert's family an update on his activities.
The Feldpost in German reads as:
Auf Marsch, 6.9.43
Ihr Lieben!
Sicher werdet Ihr schon auf Post warten,
aber es ist während des Tranportes nicht so
leicht Gelegenheit zum Schreiben zu finden.
Hier in Gattschina liegen wir nun 24 Std.
still und so will ich gleich die Gelegenheit
benutzen von mir hören zu lassen. Erstmal
habe ich mich hier wieder zum Menschen
gemacht, gewaschen und rasiert usw. Dann sind
wir mit ein paar Mann in der Stadt herum-
gebummelt und heute nachmittag waren
wir im Kino. Es gab "Wenn wir alle Engel
wären", ein erstklassiger Blödsinn. Heute
Nacht um 2 Uhr geht es weiter, ob nach
Leningrad ist fraglich. Es laufen ja
die tollsten Gerüchte. Wenn sie wahr sind
braucht Ihr Euch erstmal keine Sorgen zu
machen. Sonst geht es mir gut. Demnächst
mehr, denn es wird schon dunkel. Ich
kann gar nicht mehr die Linien richtig
erkennen und der Brief soll heute ja
noch weg. Ich gebe ihn einer R.K.-Schwester
zur Beförderung mit, das geht schneller.
Es grüßt Euch herzlichst,
Ihr drei,
Euer Herbert
The Feldpost translated in English reads as:
On the march, 6.9.43
Dear ones!
I'm sure you're already waiting for mail,
but it's not so easy to find the opportunity to write
during the transport.
Here in Gattschina we have been lying still for 24 hrs.
and so I want to take the opportunity to
to let you hear from me. First of all
I have made myself a human being again
washed and shaved and so on. Then we went
for a stroll in town with a few men
and this afternoon we went to the cinema.
We saw "If We Were All Angels", a first-rate piece of nonsense.
Tonight at 2 o'clock we're off again, if to
Leningrad is questionable. There are all sorts
the most fantastic rumours. If they are true
you needn't worry for the time being.
Otherwise I'm fine. Soon you will hear
more, for it is already getting dark. I
can't see the lines properly any more
and the letter should get on it's way
today. I'll give it to an R.K. nurse for the
transport, it will be quicker.
Kindest regards,
to all three of you,
Your Herbert
The letter starts with Hebert wishes to his family detailing how they must be wanting an update from him. This written by Herbert likely as a result of the last letter in which he said his Kompanie sustained heavy causalities and the bunker conditions seemed worrying so this would provide some needed reassurance to Herbert's family. Herbert detailling how with his current situation of moving and transport loguistics it isnt easy for him to find time to write, this can be seen by "Auf Marsch" (on the move) next to the date. Herbert often writes where he is writing from next to the date in each letter ( one of many Herberts unique layouts in feldpost writing).
Herbert then details his exact location, this being "Gattschina" which is a town located 45km south-west of Lenningrad (Modern day St. Petersberg). Herbert has been laying still at this town for "24 hrs" and this is the longest time they have been still which allows Herbert to write this letter home. Gattschina was occupied by German forces since September 13th 1941. Gattschina being renamed to " "Lindemannstadt" after and in honour of the German General George Lindermann who looted the Gattschina Palace of its artwork. At this period in late 1943 it is suggested that German forces have encountered the now attacking Soviet forces (Gattschina would be reclaimed by Soviet forces on January 26th 1944 as the Germans retreated, this not before Axis forces implemented "scorched earth" policy, Burning down Gatchina palace and park) showing that Herbert was in the surroudnig battles and offensive near Lenningrad.
Here at Gattschina, Herbert recalls how he "made myself a human being again" this comes as Herbert details how he finally had a wash and a shave. This showing that Herbert was feeling very rough and likely hadnt washed or taken time to tend to himself due to constantly being on the move and taking shelter from attacks.
After this Herbert writes how he and his fellow Kameraden went for a stroll into the town to see a movie at the cinema called "Wenn wir alle Engel
wären" (If We Were Angels) released in 1936 starring Heinz Rühmann , Lenny Marenbauch, Lotte Rausch with a runtime of 99 mins. Herbert recalls this movie as "ein erstklassiger Blödsinn" (A First Rate piece of nonsense) this being quite a comedic response to a movie. The movie is about a respectable member of provincial German society nearly becomes involved in a scandal following a series of misunderstandings. Sadly after all Herberts moving and avoiding death the time he does get to relax and enjoy himself its a dissapointing one. Still Herbert makes light of this.
Herbert details how at 2 o'clock he is off again on the move, Herbert suggesting towards Lenningrad but he isnt sure. Herbert goes on to write how there is many rumors circling about where Herbert will be going, but Herbert reassures his family again that if the rumors of where Herbert is to be going to however are true then his family is needed not to worry as apparently he will be safe.
Herbert closes this breif update letter by saying he will update his family soon with news of service and that he must stop writing as its getting darker and Herbert cannot read what he is writing and the lines are fading.Herbert also detailing how he is closing the letter so the letter can be sent home sooner. By this Herbert will give the feldpost to a "R.K.-Schwester" (R.K Nurse) or Red Cross Nurse. With this hoping that the letter will be sent faster.
Herbert giving kindest regards to "all three of you" which leaves us in question of Herberts fathers health or of anyone else of the extended familu Herbert detailed letters to is missing. Just after 'Euer Herbert', Yours Herbert.