This Feldpost was written on 23rd December 1942, this posting marks 79 years since this letter was written. Part of the KB41 On This Day Series.
The Feldpost here is the Third in the chronological series of Herbert's letters from the collection. This letter leads on from the second letter of Herbert's Christmas away from home. This letter being written on 23.12.1942 but as seen Stamped as sent 24.12.1942 (Christmas eve) on the Feldpost envelope. To note with this Feldpost, the Envelope is seen intact (clear signs of opening) and is great as adds extra detail to what we know so little of Herbert and the Hans Tank family collectively Herbert writes to. We will share them when they are present, we will now detail briefly the writing and information of the Envelope. The Envelope is of Danish Origin, showing that the stationary used for this envelope and letter where a purchase from Herbert's time in Denmark as the letter detailed bellow describes further.
The envelope seen attached can be seen to have been opened from the right hand side. From later envelopes we can identify what is written. The envelope reads;
Hans Tank
Hohenstaufenring 36
Abs. Sold. H. Tank
Feldpostn 06719 E
From this envelope we can see that the assumptions of "Ihr Lieben!" used to address the family of Hans Tank is correct as above Hans Tanks can be seen "Familie". We can also see where all of these letters are being sent to from the front as the adress is seen as "Kiel , Hohenstaufenring 36" . This locating the family addressed as Hans Tank to Kiel, Northern Germany. The top right can be seen a Feldpost cancel mark to indicate its date of sending which as shown is the 24th December 1942, with a Reichsadler seen below it. This being sent the day after Hebert wrote the letter. The bottom left indicates the sender who we know as Herbert Tank, this going on to further detail is Feldpost number which allows us to uncover what regiment he is attached to. As seen on this letter written as "Feldpostn 06719 E", the "06719" part of this being the most important as it details the Branch, Kompanie, Regimental and possible trade specifications to which he would have been attached to at this time. Herbert is suggested to be a part of the "Stab,1.-3. Kompanie u. Marsch-Kompanie Grenadier-Ausbildungs-Bataillon 333". This is due to the number "06719" being used by this Kompanie within the time frame of its posting (Origins 15.7.1942 - 24.1.1943). The "1.-3. Kompanie u. Marsch-Kompanie Grenadier-Ausbildungs-Bataillon 333" is a Grenadier and Training Battalion, this is suggested to be what the Kompanie in which Hebert finds himself and other Kameraden in as a form of rest bite from frontline fighting for Christmas. This is suggested due to previous letters detailing combat in which Hebert had found himself in.
The letter in German Reads as:
O.U. den 23.12.1942
Ihr Lieben!
Nun wird es wohl höchste Zeit, daß ich mal wieder etwas von mir hören lasse. Mir geht es noch immer blendend. Hoffe das selbe von Euch. Wenn ihr diesen Brief erhaltet, ist die größte Arbeit wohl getan und Ihr habt etwas mehr Ruhe.
Sonntag war ja unsere Weihnachtsfeier. War das ein Fest. Jeder bekam ein warmes Essen von 7,- Kronen, was das hier in Dänemark heißt könnt Ihr Euch ja denken. Es war bald nicht zu schaffen. Schweinebraten mit Rosenkohl und Salzkartoffeln, vorher 2 Teller frische Suppe und als Nachtisch Pudding mit Schlagsahne. Anschließend bekam jeder 2 Biermarken, denn das Bier ist augenblicklich knapp hier und dann wurde so allerhand auf der Bühne geboten. Es war prima, wir kamen gar nicht aus dem Lachen heraus. Eine Kapelle hatten wir auch aufgestellt. Um 12 Uhr war die Feier zu Ende viel zu früh schien es uns. Am anderen Morgen fiel und das Aufstehen aber doch etwas schwer, man ist es ja nicht mehr gewohnt, so spät ins Bett zu kommen. Um viertel 1 Uhr brachte unser Gefreiter uns dann noch die Post. Es waren 4 Briefe von Euch, mit den Bildern und Zigaretten, vielen Dank. Erstmal brauche ich noch keine weiteren Bilder, denn ich wollte sie bloß mal den Kameraden zeigen. Morgen ist ja nun Weihnachten. Ich bin ja gespannt was alles in den Paketen ist. Ich habe 8 Stück. Eben sind ein paar Kameraden zur Stadt gegangen. Sie wollten einkaufen für morgen Abend. Torten, Nüße und Getränke. Wir haben uns allerhand vorgenommen. Gestern ist unser Unteroffizier vom Urlaub wiedergekommen. Er feiert mit auf unserer Stube. Einfach ein Bombenkerl ist das. Nun will ich schließen, es ist "Fertigmachen zum Essen" gepfiffen.
Es grüßt Euch Alle
Euer Herbert
N.S. Ich habe das Paket abgeschickt
The English translation reads as:
O.U. December 23, 1942
My dear ones!
Now it is high time that I let you hear from me again. I'm still fine. Hope the same from you. When you receive this letter, the greatest work will be done and you will have a little more rest.
Sunday was our Christmas party. That was a party. Everyone got a warm meal worth of 7 Kronen, you can imagine what that means here in Denmark. It was almost not possible. Roast pork with Brussels sprouts and boiled potatoes, 2 plates of fresh soup beforehand and pudding with whipped cream for dessert. Then everyone got 2 beer tokens, because the beer is currently scarce here and then all sorts of things were offered on the stage. It was great, we couldn't stop laughing. We had also set up a band. At 12 o'clock the party was over, much too early it seemed to us. The next morning it was a bit difficult to get up, after all, you are no longer used to going to bed so late. At a quarter past 1 o'clock our Gerfreiter then brought us the mail. There were 4 letters from you, with the pictures and cigarettes, thank you very much. First of all, I don't need any more pictures, because I just wanted to show them to my comrades. Tomorrow is Christmas. I'm curious what is in the packages. I have 8 pieces. A couple of comrades have just gone to town. They wanted to go shopping for tomorrow evening. Cakes, nuts and drinks. We have planned a lot. Yesterday our sergeant (Unteroffizier) came back from vacation. He celebrates with us in our room. He's really a bombshell. Now I want to close, the whistle tells us "Get ready to eat".
Greetings to all of you
Your Herbert
N.S. I have sent the package
The letter starts off in the same layout as the other letters were Herbert clearly states where he is (OU is still unknown) with the Date as seen 23.12.1942. The letter addressed also as "Ihr Lieben!" addressing the family, Hebert writes how he is letting them know he is still safe and well, and that when they read this they are likely to rest as they have prepared everything for Christmas. Herbert wishes them his best and then proceeds to start where he left off about Christmas, in high spirits as he reflects on his "Weihnachtsfeier " (Christmas Party).
Hebert explains how the party was, confirming the rumours of a banquet as in his previous letter, Herbert details how the party was on such a low budget. As expected in wartime for Soldaten, Hebert details that he got a warm meal of the sum of "7 Kronen" which isnt a large budget for his meal, as Herbert himself details "Jeder bekam ein warmes Essen von 7,- Kronen, was das hier in Dänemark heißt könnt Ihr Euch ja denken" , You can imagine what that means here in Denmark. This 7 Kronen meal consisting of "Roast pork with Brussels sprouts and boiled potatoes, 2 plates of fresh soup beforehand and pudding with whipped cream for dessert". It sounds very delicious for a meal but in comparison to what could have been eaten back home of what could have been eaten on possibly a larger budget, its no surprise Herbert is somewhat disappointed. He seems still in high spirits and this is seem to be in part due to the correspondence from his family but also from his fellow Kameraden. This ultimately boosting his mindset and morale at this time away from home and at war. Despite only being issued two beer tokens (as detailed the scarceness of beer in Denmark at the time) "then all sorts of things were offered on the stage" - This is suggesting that after the beer ration was issued a stage performance was underway, as such comedic performances were acted out among Kameraden. Hebert details how he and his Kameraden couldn't stop laughing from this. In addition to comedy there was a band that was at the event seeing the party through until 12'oclock (midnight), to which Hebert details that it was all to early to end at. However this in reflection was late as Herbert details that he had "a bit difficult to get up, after all, you are no longer used to going to bed so late". Hebert was awake at 1:15 when a Gefreiter brought in their mail. Hebert writes that there was "4 letters from you, with the pictures and cigarettes" This showing he had received the photographs sent from home in addition to some cigarettes and the letters themselves. Herbert details he doesn't need any more photograph's as it was just to show his fellow Kameraden, unfortunately none of the photographs mentioned in this letter are know.
Hebert brings the letter towards and end where he writes that "Morgen ist ja nun Weihnachten" meaning Tomorrow is Christmas Day, and with this Hebert details his curiosity of the packages that are left for him by his family and possible Kameraden, he writes of 8 pieces. Hebert then writes of the present and what is happening as he writes the letter, Hebert details that a couple of his Kameraden have ventured into town (Assuming the local town of his current resting area in Denmark), as they have gone shopping for Christmas, getting Cake, Nuts and Drinks for the next days celebrations, something that they have planned a lot. Herbert also details how their Unteroffizier had come back from his vacation and celebrated with them in his room. Hebert describes him as quite the "Bombshell", possibly suggesting celebrations were rather crazy and explosive.
Hebert draws the letter to a close where he says that he must go as they are being whistled "Fertigmachen zum Essen", Get ready to eat. This leaving the family content that Herbert has had a good Christmas and is to resume back to a normal routine before Christmas Day the next day. Hebert details he has sent a package to the family. Possibly what Christmas present Hebert could manage when he is away in Denmark, possibly being a souvenir from his time there. It is not known what is sent.
This letter is a meaningful insight as to what Christmas Celebrations were for Soldaten at the time and the feelings and emotions that came with the experiences. This letter details more of Hebert's location, Denmark declaring itself neutral in WW2 and its final occupation on 9th April 1940 sees Denmark as a relaxed Occupation for Hebert and his fellow Kamaraden to find themselves in. This in comparison to France of the East to where fighting had been, could indicate that if the setting was elsewhere feelings of low morale and sadness could have been higher. This shows the great laughs and enjoyment that was had by Herbert all be it restricted due to shortages and short budget they made use of what they could, comedic performances and music to see them through and enjoy Christmas to what it was, being in the Heer in the Second World War.