Part of The KB41 Collection On This Day Series
This is the second feldpost that Herbert writes home to his family in Kiel from March 1944. This letter was wrote just one day after the last on the 7th March 1944. We learned about Herbert's family and the parcels they sent to the front for Herbert to enjoy. Herbert also learned about Hanne back home in Kiel and his role in the Hitler Jugend (HJ) as a Flak Helferinnen. Serving his country as the demand for soldaten on the front increases due to substantial loses, leaving young boys like Hanne to skip school and operate Flak anti aircraft guns.
The Feldpost Letter Reads As:
I.O. den 8.3.44
Liebe Eltern!
Nun will ich mal wieder von mir hören lassen.
Die Sonne scheint so schön warm, daß man schon
draußen schreiben kann. Im Bunker ist es furchtbar
eng, da vergeht einem die Lust dazu. Hier draußen
kann man fast sehen wie der Schnee schmilzt,
noch eine Woche und der Boden ist frei, wenn es
so anhält. Es ist nur gut für uns hier in Russland.
Allerdings wird er nun mit seiner Luftwaffe
aktiver. Den ganzen Tag sind seine Schlachtflieger
unterwegs. Heute Morgen sind 28 Stuka eingesetzt
worden, das war ein Feuerzauber. Ich glaube fast
der Krieg hält noch ein Jahr an. In diesem Jahr
sehe ich noch kein Ende.
Mir geht es sonst gut. Ich war heute beim Arzt,
hatte auf dem Kreuz, genau unterm Koppel ein
Furunkel. Es ist geschnitten worden.
Hoffe, daß bei Euch auch alles noch beim Alten
ist und, daß es Euch gut geht
Herzliche Grüße,
auch an Hanne
Euer Herbert
Ich lege die Päckchenmareken für Jan. und März mit ein
und einige Luftpost Marken.
The Feldpost Letter Translated Into English Reads As:
I.O. 8.3.44
Dear parents!
Now I want to let you hear from me again.
The sun is shining so beautifully warm that I
can write outside. It's terribly cramped in the bunker
so you don't feel like staying inside. Out here
you can almost see the snow melting,
another week and the ground will be clear if it lasts
like this. It's only good for us here in Russia.
However, they are now becoming more active with their air force.
Their fighter planes are on the move all day
This morning 28 Stuka were deployed, it was a firework display.
I almost think the war will last another year. This year
I don't see an end to it yet.
Otherwise I'm fine. I went to the doctor today,
had a boil on the small of my back, just under the paddock.
It has been cut out.
I hope that everything is still the same with you too
and that you are doing well
Best wishes,
also to Hanne
Yours Herbert
I am enclosing the parcel stamps for January and March
and some airmail stamp
Herbert starts this letter by addressing his parents. Herbert taking his letter outside to write. This being unusual as Herbert is often in the confines of a building or his man made bunker but in this instance as Herbert details the sun is shining, a warm treat for Herbert as he writes of how his bunker (In previous letters of how he and his fellow kameraden spent a long time building) is very cramped, so doesn't feel like staying inside it. As Herbert writes, the warm sun shining is melting the snow away. Herbert hopeful that if the sun stays out the snow will all be melted and in another week it can be dry again. The conditions that Herbert endured across his time on the Eastern front has varied, but this was the case for many Soldaten like Herbert. From cold and harsh winds and snow to damp and cold swampy conditions Herbert experienced (becoming Ill and taken away from the front from) to now where spring is turning and the snow and cold conditions are slowly thawing. This would surely raise the morale of Herbert and his fellow soldaten, as the weather improves.
Herbert then writes that it is good for them on the front in Russia, as Herbert then details how there has been a larger presence of Luftwaffe activity in his area. As Russian planes are on the move where he is every day, likely to attack ground personnel and positions or scout for reconnaissance. The Luftwaffe in retaliation, in the morning as Herbert details of 28 Stuka that were in the air. Junkers Ju 87, or commonly known as "Stukas"was a German Dive bomber, notable for their air driven sirens, triggered by the planes diving. The sirens were designed and did drive fear into those on the ground. Herbert recalling that it was a firework display in the air as these two forces met.
Herbert unusually detailing how he sees the future of the war progressing and oddly Herbert writing that he sees the war lasting on more year. As he cannot see an end this year. This being unknown to Herbert that in fact the next year (1945) the war would end, sadly for Herbert not as he would hope. 1944 as we will find out what has in store for Herbert through is letters as the Wehrmacht and Herberts unit will be on the withdraw as the retreat from Russian and the Eastern front collapses.
Herbert then briefly details how he if feeling, as before Herberts health has varied as before he was taken away from the front to recover. The doctor Herbert visited today *(8th March 1944) Herbert having a small boil on his back under his " "Koppel" (Paddock) which is assumed to be his lower back in line with his waist. Herbert detailing it will have to be cut out. Herbert drawing the letter to a close with the wishes that his family is all well and safe back home in Kiel. With a best wishes to Hanne too (as we learnt in previous letters of his involvement in the Hitlerjugend "HJ" Flak and his schooling balance.
Herbert then mentions he has included some parcel stamps for January and March to which his family will be able to use to send him supplies from home to the frontline. The letter concluded as always, Euer Herbert, Yours Herbert.