Part of The KB41 Collection On This Day Series
This is the first letter that Herbert writes in April 1944, Well wishes and updates sent home to his family that eagerly awaits updates from their beloved Herbert. So that he is safe and well and what activities he details from a war-torn Eastern front. The previous detailing that Herbert had received a lovely parcel containing items to which allowed him to enjoy his Birthday. These items were sent from home, containing a cake, cigarettes and tobacco followed by other parcels of lard. All of these items being of great use to Herbert and to which he enjoyed his birthday. Tobacco and cigarettes of which we know (as from previous letters) is a commodity that Herbert often writes about needing and how little he has. Herbert also gave his family an update about how he is coping with "Ivan" (Russians) as he is on the frontlines, to which he eases the mind of his family by detailing that they have held off the Russians and that it is quiet. Herbert's family eager to learn more and stay connected via letters as they have done for many years. e
The Feldpost Letter Reads as:
Im Osten 8.9.44
Ihr Lieben!
Ich habe jetzt meine 2 Stunden Wache herum und
werde jetzt in Ruhe mal 2 Stunden
meiner Korrespondenz widmen. Oma hat ja auch
jetzt bald Geburtstag, habe eben einen Brief
an sie geschrieben und Liesa hat auch lange
nichts von mir gehört.
Wie geht es Pappa?
Hoffentlich gut?! Ist er schon wieder aus
dem Krankenhaus entlassen? Ich habe bald
eine Woche keine Post bekommen. Hoffentlich
steht im nächsten Brief nur Gutes.
Pappa schrieb, die Anzeige von Reinhold Vosgerau
hätte auch in der Zeitung gestanden. Ist er
auch gefallen? Ich war bei der Musterung noch
mit ihm zusammen.
Nach dem Kriege wird sich manche Lücke
bemerkbar machen. Hoffentlich nimmt er bald
ein Ende.
Heute haben wir einen Klöben empfangen, zu Ostern.
Leider ist er ohne Rosinen. Aber immer hin
mal was anderes als Kommißbrot. Schmecken tut er
prima. Ich habe ihn gleich angeschnitten.
Nun will ich schließen, in der Hoffnung daß es
Euch allen gut geht und ich bald von Euch höre.
Herzliche Grüße und gute Besserung für Pappa.
Euer Herbert.
N.G. Lege 4 Paketmarken und 7 Luftpostmarken mit ein.
The Feldpost letter translated into English reads as:
In the East 8.9.44
Dear all!
I have now finished my 2 hour watch and
and will now devote 2 hours
to my correspondence. Grandma also has
birthday soon, I've just written a letter
to her and Liesa hasn't heard from me
for a long time.
How is Dad?
Hopefully well?! Has he been discharged from
out of hospital yet? I haven't received
any post for a week. Hopefully there will be
only good things in the next letter.
Pappa wrote that Reinhold Vosgerau's advert
also have been in the newspaper. He fell too?
I was together with him during our examination.
After the war, some gaps will
be noticeable. Hopefully it will end soon.
Today we received a cake for Easter.
Unfortunately, it's without raisins. But finally
something different from the usual pan loaf. It tastes great.
I cut into it straight away.
Now I want to close, and hope that
you are all well and that I will hear from you soon.
Best wishes and get well soon for Pappa.
Yours Herbert.
N.G. Enclose 4 parcel stamps and 7 airmail stamps.
Herbert starts the letter by detailing that his two hours on watch is over and now has two hours of rest, where he will dedicate a large amount to his correspondence (as is detailed in many previous letters, Herbert has to write many letters to many different family members) This is seen as Herbert details (following on from the previous letter about birthdays) that Herbert's Grandma's birthday is coming up, and that he has wrote her a letter and also one to "Liesa" who Herbert has not heard from for sometime.
Herbert then asks how his Pappa (Dad) is doing? As discussed in previous letters, Herbert's Pappa was taken ill, as early as the period where Herbert was also taken ill, early last year in April 1943. Herbert asking how his Pappa is keeping, if he has been discharged from hospital yet? Herbert writing that he has not received any mail for a week so is hoping when he next gets mail that there will be some interesting and good things in the next letter.
Herbert continues discussing about his Pappa as he mentions something that his Pappa wrote in the most recent letter that he received from him, details that "Reinhold Vosgerau" was adverted with a death notice in the local newspaper. Reinhold Vosgerau, someone that Herbert details that he spent time with during examination. This assumed during school. Herbert details how after the war with so many local people dying that their will be many gaps in the community as a result of so many lives lost. Herbert hoping the war will end soon, with it the loss of so many young lives.
Herbert wites that today he received a cake for Easter, sadly Herbert details that it is without raisins. But is thankful that it isn't a plain loaf, it tastes great with Herbert cutting straight into it.
Herbert the draws this letter to a swift close, wishing his family well and hoping to hear from them soon, with many best wishes to his Pappa in the hopes he will get well soon.
Herbert details that he has included 4 parcel stamps and 7 airmail stamps. These stamps can be used by Herbert's family to send letters and parcels to him whilst he is in service on the eastern front. The letter concluded as all with Euer Herbert, Yours Herbert.