In the #kb41memoirs Memoirs Series !
The photograph here shows a couple linking arms and posing for a photograph. The photograph shows a Kriegsmarine Matrosengefreiter with his girlfriend. The Blank tabs and arm chevron denotes his rank as Matrosengefreiter. The Classic double breasted coat seen worn here with the also iconic Tellermütze. The Tellermütze being the cap worn, it has Kriegsmarine written on the ribbon across the front with loose ribbon that hangs tied at the back. The Matrosengefreiter is seen linking arms with his girlfriend as they smile for the shot. The girlfriend is seen wearing a coat and hair tied up in a classic 40s style. The lack of leaves on trees in the background and warm clothes seen worn indicate the weather could be cold possibly winter or autumn seasons. Possibly taken nearby to where the couple live or near a dock or base to which the Matrosengefreiter is based. Possibly on leave or just signed up the couple seen here would no doubt be thinking of each other when they are apart. Photographs such as this were kept close by loved ones, in this case for the Matrosengefreiter he would have this close when away at sea or from home thinking of her and a future after the war, the girlfriend would think the same when he is away, proud of his service but forever missing him. Life in the Kriegsmarine was mentally harder especially in U-boat crews were they may not see land or civilisation for some time if out at sea, making morale lower and photographs such as this were kept close. You can only imagine what this couple may endure during the war of home life and the war at sea, to whether this love would survive the war.