The photograph here shows civilians having a party in a workroom, it is unclear what they are celebrating but all can be seen wearing hand made party hats. The hats are seen colourfully decorated with hearts, borders and floral designs. Some are more pointed than others, closest in shot we see a flatter hat decorated in a star with small circle details. Others contain hearts, with the furthers right having a rose with feathers upright at the front, also seen next to him is a man with a long chain of earrings, also seen below him a shorter chained earing.
The room in which they are in appears to be a work room with their work seen behind them, possibly a printing shop or some form of arts and crafts as their appears to be ink stamps around and also a large collage of inspirational postcards towards the back wall with a large antler hanging off the wall. A single postcard of a Horses head can clearly be seen. The artistic flair is reflected in their colourfully and detailed hand crafted party hats.
This photograph emits a large sense of family and community of the people in the photograph. A strong Warm and happy feeling as they enjoy each others company in the workroom whatever they are celebrating. Likely a birthday, possibly one of the central people. Also possible is a celebration of the local area as a form of carnival or day celebration. Family and friends being important during a time of uncertainty and the upset of war. No date or location is known.