The photograph here shows a group of Frontline Heer Pionieren (Pioneers) wading ashore from their dinghies. The Heer Pionieren are seen unloading from the small dinghies and smaller lifeboats. They are seen wading through different depths of water, the Heer Pionieren seen closest in shot is seen pulling the dinghy in by a rope. Seen behind him are other Pionieren also pulling the dinghy, the Pioniere seen on the right has a white life vest on that can be seen worn over his M36 tunic. Other Pioneren can be seen wearing a mixture of M36 and M40 tunics. Notably seen getting out of the dinghy is a Gefrieter with a MG34 across is back. Likely other weapons and ammunition remains in the dinghy to avoid getting wet or damaged when embarking ashore. The photograph shows the clearness of the water and its clear sky, the waters ripples as the Pioneren wade through it can be seen with different Pioneren having life vests on and Kar98 rifles over their shoulders. In the background can be seen larger boats to which they may have been dispatched from or may hold more supplies, this likely being a combined operation of Kriegsmarine. To the right just in shot can be seen other dinghy boats full of Heer Pioneren. The information surrounding a location is unknown but could possibly be Narvik or some other coastal campaign. The information provided by the reverse is “Frontkreig” meaning Front line War. This indicating this was not taken as a training photograph but in movement to the front line. The Heer Pioneren marching to the front line, it is not known what they faced or what combat they would encounter, who would survive or fall. This photograph shows the movement of the Heer Pioneren ashore to re group before they travel on wards inland. A crisp photograph of Heer Movement to the front line.