🕸🕷 Happy Halloween To All Our Followers ☠🎃
This is our Halloween themed post for 2022, It was common for German Soldaten to dress up and use equipment as props so this is our fitting post.
The photograph here shows Heer Aufklärungs and Sanitätsdienst Truppen together in a barrack room for some drinks and shenanigans in some spare time they had whilst in service. These events commonly happened prior to deployment or in training. The identification of Aufklärungs and Sanitätsdienst Truppen in this photograph is seen by the two smiling seated at the centre front of the photograph. Both seen wearing M38 side caps, it is from here we can tell the branch of service of each from the colour of Waffenfarb (The triangular piping seen at the front between the Reichsadler and cockade). The left appears to be Yellow, thus denoting Aufklärung (reconnaissance) and the right being darker appears to be Blue denoting Sanitätsdienst (Medical). It is unknown who is from which branch after these two, possibly the other wearing the M38 Sidecap sideways could be a Aufklärung too but it is not confirmed. The two services are seen collectively enjoying their time together.
The photograph here shows the Truppen collectively posing for a comedic photograph in a mixture of long white shirts (part of pyjama set) and some half naked and the Unteroffizier (Uffz) seen in his M40 Tunic. The majority of Truppen seen here are wearing webbing and equipment for the photograph. On the left we see Heer belts as seen with the belt buckle, detailed with a circle with an eagle in the centre with the words "God Mit Uns", a phrase used since the Prussian era to represent "God With Us". seen worn on the belts are Kar98k rifle pouches, notably seen in the centre a bottle is seen behind the belt. The rifles seen held in the hands on the left and right are Kar98ks, notably seen the two kneeling either side smiling Truppen both have bayonets attached to them.
Notably seen around the necks of many seen in the photograph, hanging by string is a pouch. This pouch would contain the Dogtag of that individual. The Dogtag being and oval shape with two halves would fit into these pouches, also allowing for small prayer cards and spare change to be stored in. These pouches also stopped the cold metal tag touching or in extreme cold sticking to the body of the individual. The centre can be seen a enthusiastic joker in this event, seen with a M35 Stalhelm on backwards , Kar98k in his left hand and what appears to be a whip (likely for use on horses, suggesting a member of the Aufklärungs). Also seen worn by him is a Water bottle seen clipped into the front under one of the Kar98k pouch loops and a alarm clock hanging around his neck.
Seen on the furthest right standing behind the half naked Soldat holding a Kar98k, a Soldat can be seen wearing white pyjama set, however notably can be seen holding a small book. The small books appears to be a sports book, for regulations and information regarding different sporting activities. He holds this as his prop as many others hold and drink from bottles. Behind him is the killjoy and serious of the bunch. The Unteroffizier seen in full uniform minus his headwear is still smiling for the photo but doesn't seem to be as into the shenanigans as the other Truppen are.
Comedic photographs give a true insight into the humanity and personality of Truppen and Soldaten across the Wehrmacht in these small moments away from the harsh reality of training and fighting. This photograph, taken in a barrack room with store cupboards that would hold the Truppen's uniform and equipment (Some of which can be seen on top of them, a Gasmask and M35 Stalhelm with the tricolour decal for example). This surrounds and the Uffz seen in full uniform shows the strict and discipline of the Wehrmacht but the Comedic sense of humour shines through showing that despite the war and the commitments to their service that they can still have these small moments of comedy. Raising morale and boosting friendship, such photos allowed for reflection at later dates to great times had by Truppen here of their barrack room laughs. Prost !