The photograph here shows two World War One Soldiers, posing for a studio portrait, likely to be friends. Props are seen added to blend and add affects to the back drop, seen with the chair on which one is seated and a decorated table to which the other is seen leaning on. The Grenadier seen standing is wearing what is known as an Extrarock, this being a private purchase variant of the M.1907/10 Feldrock. This is seen with a tailored finish collar that is seen upright and “standing proud” as opposed to the opened variant of the collar that can be seen by the seated soldier. The standing grenadier is also notably seen with white litzen insignia on the collar as well as the three strips on either cuff, this style was preserved more for the elite regiments such as Grenadiers and Guard grenadiers. This seen with white litzen on the Feldgrau uniform. The peak cap also denotes a status in a way that the Schirmmütze or peaked cap was to be reserved for NCOs, Officers and other status holders. Taking this information into account it is likely that he may be a student in an NCO school likely in Berlin. In comparison to the Seated soldier likely of the same regiment but likely to be a Field Soldier. The seated field solider is seen wearing a Vereinfachte Feldrock u. Vereinfachte Hosen. This is simplified to M1907/10, with no cuff details it supports for a “roll back” cuff as well as lack of piping down the trousers. The seated field solider can be seen with the peaked cap known as the "Mannschaften Einheits Schirmmütze". This being an economy measure to abolish the plethora of colours of the cap ban and replace them with a simple sage green for all arms and services. These peaked caps were available to all ranks, but usually only the longer serving, or better off who bought them, members of the company. This is a good example of a contrast between a Barrack Room soldier and a field soldier. Its date is likely to be 1916 due to the collection of items seen on the right hand soldier. Unfortunately they are not named but is a crisp and interesting piece of First world war history.