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Luftwaffeneinheit und ihre Reinigungsgeräte

Writer's picture: The Kriegsberichter 41 The Kriegsberichter 41

The Photograph here shows members of the Luftwaffe maintaining and cleaning their Kar98k Rifles. This photograph from the collection is seen alongside a Early war variant of the Reinigungsgerät 34. First introducef Pre war in 1934, the standard gun cleaning kit was issued to all members of the Wehrmacht and Elite units, whilst also being issued to paramilitary forces respectfully.

The photograph shows the Luftwaffe soldaten (Possibly Flak) seen seated outside an outbuilding, collectivly maintaining and cleaning their rifles. Wepon maintaince and ultimately cleaning was an essential part of soldaten life. The maintaince of weapons and equipment was cruitial to ensuring their efficency and working capabilitys when in the field and ready to be used. The Luftwaffe soldaten are seen wearing

Denim fatigue tunics and trousers (as seen on the left hand standing Soldat) but also seen in wear is the M35 fliegerbluse as seen by the seated far right soldat, notably seen wearing a belt and buckle.

The Soldat seen furthest to the right in shot as previously detailed in M35 fliegerbluse, with the belt and buckle is also seen wearing Y-straps as seen over his shoulders but in addition to this is seen with a Gas mask stap that can be seen worn diagonaly across his fliegerbluse. Also to note is he is the only Luftwaffe soldat seen wearing Marschstiefel (Jackboots). He can alsp be seen with what apears to be a single Kar98k ammo pouch in wear with a Kar98k Bayonet seen just behind. This belt order possobly suggesting this soldat is on Sentry/Gaurd duties. Possibly taken an short break to liaise with his fellow soldaten to clean their wepons. This being suppoted as he isnt undertaking in any form of maintance of his Kar98k.

Seen to the left of him is a soldat that is seen using a cloth to clean the stock of his rifle, this is likely with the left over oil and grease that was used on the cleaning of the internal parts of the Kar98k. To the left of him is seen a soldat using the Reinigungskette (chain pull through) of the cleaning kit. Seen here slowly feeding the metal chain through the breach of the Kar98k to clean the barrel of the gun with a pull through motion.

This chain is seen as the main component of the gun cleaning kit as seen in the Original Gun cleaning kit alongside it from the collection. The same metal chain seen wrapped around the photo, this would have a piece of cloth doused in the oil and grease to help lubricate and sustain the condition of the gun. This can be furthered by the use of brushes that can be attached to the chain, as seen accopanied in this gun cleaning kit here is a set of cleaning brushes. These cleaning brushes consisting of different bristle types would be attached to the chain pull through, as seen by the small hooks at the end of the brushes. The other part seen in the cleaninng kit is a tool known as a Hülsenkopfwischer, this is known as a Take down tool that used to help feed the chain through the breach as well as open the floorplate of the Kar98k . Lastly is seen an Öltropfer, a metal oil bottle, allowing for the carrying of a small amount of oil to be used for cleaning. This oil bottle, made of steel is the Early war variant.

All components as listed above fit tightly into the cleaninh kit, seen here with two opening compartments, held closed by small clips as seen. One part for the tools and the other to hold wadding and cleaning cloth pieces. This cleaning kit is seen with its original wadding from the war that would be used to clean guns like whats seen in the photograph alongside it. The wadding seen in this compartment still having its grease on them. This open compartment still has its eagle stamp on the inside lid. The stamp is a makers mark known as a Waffen-Amt, seen here with the "WA" at the start "Wa457" seen with an reichsadler above it. Seen to the other side or this only visible from the outside is a "Arr.4" makers mark too. This makers-mark meaning 'Braunschweigische Blechwarenfabrik' - This is a manufacture from the Brunswick area of Germany. The '4' suggesting it was produced in April. This cleaning kit is used but in good condition showing use and still showing its original paint.

This post highlighting the importance of wepon maintance and the time taken by soldaten to do it. The cleaning kit being an essential part of soldatens equipment to be used in the field when there is a break from moving and in combat in addition to cleaning at barracks.


© 2016 (Reviewed and Represented 2024) by The Kriegsberichter 41

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