The photograph here shows SS-Verfügungstruppe-Standarte Nr. 2 "Germania" band performing in a factory, its workers can be seen sitting listening as the band seen with music sheets are playing. Brass instruments and some clarinets and flutes. The band are recognised not just for the music sheets and musical instruments but also the Schwalbenneste or (Swallows Nests). This is notably seen to the right for the shoulder patches worn on the left with stripes down them. The conductor is a Untersturmführer seen standing in the centre, the blur shows movement as he conducts the band to play, he can be seen wearing a cuff title that reads Germania as well as an armband that is the SS version that is black edged. Notably also seen is the one shoulder board variant and lack of SS arm eagle that was introduced at a later stage shows that this SS VT is pre-war around 1935/36. The uniforms seen are M34s, the Conductor notably seen awarded a DRL sports award. This type of event was common to raise morale and raise awareness of the NSDAP. These types of performances were also good for recruitment into the SS or Wehrmacht. Performances such as this showed the kindness of the Third Reich and showing its appreciation to the workers of Germany. Some Younger women and children can be seen, possibly families of the town who have gathered for the event watching the performance.
The SS-Verfügungstruppe or SS- VT for short was formed on the 24 September 1934 by Heinrich Himmler and later appointed Paul Hauser as head of the SS-VT in November 1936. The SS-VT was neither apart of the police nor the Wehrmacht but a guard unit at the disposal of the Führer, All members who volunteered had to undergo and complete their service in the Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD). The SS-VT was in control of recruitment's and were able to recruit people into it from the Wehrmacht, such events as this were a good way to get them into the SS-VT or Wehrmacht. The SS-VT trained alongside the personal body of guards for Hitler the Liebstandarte SS Adolf Hitler (LSSAH). Parts of the SS-VT took part in the occupation of the Sudetenland, Austria and Czechoslovakia as well as the invasion of Poland. This photograph is a crisp example of the early party boosting morale and working in support with the people of Germany.
Of course! Like many in the collection it not only captures the atmosphere but does show what you don't usually see ! Thanks for the comment and be sure to check out the others on the page from the collection ! A lot more like this !
Really unique! This is something where you see the culture and entertainment at the time. It's harder to understand nowadays, that things like listening to the radio were a pasttime back then.