In the #facesofwarkb41 series!
The Studio Portrait photograph seen here shows a member of the Reichsarbeitsdienst (RAD). Seen posing here the Young man is known as Kurt Paseleit. He is seen here with a pristine tunic, possibly taken on his joining of the RAD. The ages for the RAD being 18 – 25, as seen here giving young people the opportunity to gain experience of basic training and labour skills. The reverse showing information of “Arbeitsmann Kurt Paseleit, for my dear mum”. This showing that the portrait being taken would be sent as a gift to his mother, to remember him by when away at barracks training with the RAD and later joining of the Wehrmacht. Young Kurt seen here in the photograph sending his best wishes to his mother that will serve as a memory, this crisp studio portrait still today shows the memory and message to which he sent. Not aware of what the RAD would later lead for him it is unknown what Kurt joined when moving onto in the Wehrmacht but the horrors of war would soon be opened up to him. A photograph to be reflected on for easier times. Seen in thought for the photograph the proud man would have served his country with pride and respect, the same being shown by this being hung up in the family home.