The photograph here shows the Siegessäule also known as The Berlin Victory, in Berlin Germany. As seen here the column is seen in the foreground with a road leading up to it, some people can be seen on the pavement and some cycling. The atmosphere of a relaxed atmosphere at the time of the photograph can be felt, likely taken on leave or to remember home and Germany by the photographer. The photographer likely being a member of some branch in the Wehrmacht. The Siegessäule being a symbol of Prussian victory against Denmark, Austria and France in the Austro-Prussian (1886) and French-Prussian (1870-71) wars. In 1939 the monument was moved from Siegesallee (Victory Avenue), this being a broad Boulevard where statues stood that were financed by Kaiser Wilhelm II, to its current location at the Großer Stern (Great Star). The reason for the move as a part of the re-design of Berlin into Welthauptstadt Germania. This being a greater thinking and reformation of Adolf Hitler for Germany, with help from Albert Speer, tasks of re-designing and maintaining Germany’s meaningful and important architecture and art. The column in present day as it did then sits in a circular street format with access from roads and pavements all around. This monument is a historic and meaningful piece of architectural history that was part of the reformation of an old significant Germany. One of which the people of Germany were and are still proud of. The photograph here being and original photograph on Agfa Lupex paper and not a press or archived photograph only adds to its importance to the people of Germany and how they too took photographs of the monument that means so much to them. The detail of the structure with its iconic heroic stance on the top and its history and reasons for its construction are deep in German history that stretches before the Second World War and is incredible that it is still standing and honoured today.
Superb photograph!