#14 in the Faces of War Series #facesofwarkb41 !
The photograph here shows a Young Smiling Unteroffizier in the Heer. The Heer Unteroffizier seen here is wearing a M36 tunic with a M38 side cap. The Unteroffizier is seen with a Sturmabteilung (SA) Sports Award in bronze. This showing that he is a NSDAP party member and has achieved a good level of fitness to obtain the award. The stop of the badge is just seen in shot, worn in the centre of the pleat of the M36 tunic. The Unteroffizier is seen smiling as he poses for the photograph. This portrait would have been pride of place in someone’s home, either framed on a wall or in a photo album, possibly with other photographs of his service. This photograph is dated at 1942 as the reverse says. The portrait shows an undone collar which may imply a more informal photograph, but none the less seen smartly presented and smiling. You can only imagine what the war may have in store for people like him and what front he may be sent to in which to fight for his country, weather he survived or not is unknown. This making him another Face of War, possibly a family man or has other loved ones at home thinking of him when he is away. A capturing portrait of a smiling soldat in the Heer.