The photograph here shows three members of the Mining industry in Germany, Possibly Saxony district. This photograph is Pre-World War 2.
As seen in the photograph the three Miners are smartly presented in traditional Dress uniforms. The dress uniforms seen here are said to of been recognised since the middle of the 18th Century as important people of society, the Dress uniforms to be worn on special occasions usually parades. The Miners seen here with jet black uniforms with Velvet trimmings and buttons as well as a peak-less Shako topped with a Feathered Plume. The eagle on the Shako hats is that of the Imperial German eagle (Bundesadler). Seen in this photograph with Dress swords, it is said swords were carried by musicians of the organisation. Other miners in parades were said go carry parade axes that were detailed and had slender handles. The the three seen here are Miner Officials and this is denoted from the white band seen across the top of the Shako. One miner on the right is seen with a Deutsches Sportabzeichen (DRL) sports badge. The sports badge was awarded for physical fitness tests to not only Military but also Civilian personnel. Also seen on all three Miners are what appears to be silver wound badges, that could of been awarded for First World War service. The political adaptation of the third Reich was a swastika armband added to the uniform.
As seen in the background there is a band in shot to the left with parade drums and trombones. This possibly being from part of the parade the three miners seen here were a part of. A small boat on the right can be seen on a river with decorations and people on board, the occasional civilian seen in 1930s clothes seen in the background. A unusual and rare photograph showing some of Germany's recognised industrial personal.