The Post her shows German philately and a related Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt stick pin from the collection. This post will be one of many future postings showing Philatelic items in the collection. Seen here in the form of stamps we have previously shared Postal History and will continue to, be on the look out for more posts like this! Postal history includes Feldposts to which we have a running series on to the Hans Tank family.
Special thanks to Jack Preuveneers for his help in formatting the Stamps seen in the post!
Please go check out his extensive and detailed Rare Swedish Philatelic and Postal History collection only at: https://preuveneersphilately.co.uk
The post here shows two sets of Mint Unmounted Se-Tenants German postage stamps from 1933/4 that depict a side profile of Paul Von Hindenburg in Schwarz 1, Grün 5 and Braun 3 pf (Pfennig). The 1 Pf seen in Black was originally released in 1933 and the Green 5 Pf and Brown 3 Pf were released one year later. The stamps seen here would have originally been sold as part of a booklet, to which the attached Gutter Pair with the written slogan on would have been present in. This slogan could also be applied to types of mail sent, the most common being forms of letters and parcels, the slogan and message of the gutter pair would be visible upon the item sent. This exposing the message to more people and promoting the NSV. The condition of these postage stamps being Mint-Unmounted tells us that these were never applied to any item for sending as the original gum is still visible on the reverse of the stamp s.
The Stamps would also contain a watermark that depicts the Hakenkreuz (Swastika) symbol across the back of the stamp (Unfortunately not seen here). Such watermarks were often used from the period on many other stamps, when held to the light, the watermark can be easily seen. These watermarks were not only added to and the symbol of the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterparte (NSDAP) and promote them but these watermarks like modern day watermarks was to add security and protect the stamps from forgeries. The words "Deutsche Reich" (German Reich) can be seen at the bottom of each stamp written in a crisp gothic font. Deutsche Reich being written on postage stamps as far back as 1872.
The slogan seen written on the gutter pair reading "Unterstützt die NS = Volks= Wohlfahrt!" this translating in English to "Supports the National Socialist Welfare Organization". The slogan like others used on gutter pairs of booklets as well as in postage marks on letters were used to highlight and emphasise organisations or events within Germany and the beliefs of the NSDAP. The Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (National Socialist Welfare Organization) or NSV was a social welfare organisation that was established in 1931. The symbol of this organisation can be seen on the stick pin included in the post. The NSV was a small NSDAP associated charity that was first locally set up in Berlin. The NSV would later go on to be a NSDAP organisation shortly after Adolf Hitler would come to power on 3rd May 1933 as appointed Reich Minister of Propaganda Joseph Gobbels. The NSV would also later that year in September 1933 go onto establish the Winterhilfswerk (Winter Support Programme) which was lead by Erich Hilgenfeldt. The NSV became the second largest NSDAP Organisation by 1939 the biggest being the Deutsche Arbeitsfront, (DAF).
The NSV aims were to raise funds to help those who were less fortunate within the Reich, this would help the poorer people of the society with food and heating and other essentials. This aid was especially needed during the winter months and was apart of the Winterhilfswerk (WHW). The Stick pin seen here would have been worn in support of the NSV by civilian or possibly party members. The stickpin bears the iconic symbol of the NSV, with the letters "N S V" making up the design. The stickpin seen accompanying the gutter paired postage stamps is in mint condition, the reverse (not seen) bears a "Ges. Gesch " makers mark in addition to an Reichszeugmeisterei (RZM) stamping. RZM being the national material control and this mark on the reverse would ensure its copyright protection from within the period. The "Ges. Gesch" stamping also s a form of trademarking acting as a legal protection.
These are fine examples of postage stamps from an early Third Reich period that show a slogan used in philately for one of the largest social organisation of the NSDAP. The postage stamps would have been used much like todays postage stamps, these were not used to send anything however there are other examples attached to letters that show their use. The Stickpin also represents the NSV and another way in which money was raised for the organisation. The NSV was an essential organisation for the social wellbeing and stability of the "Volk" of the Reich. This in addition to the welfare of organisations such as the DAF and KDF would help civilian's and workers of Germany and the Reich.