The photograph here shows a group of Artillery Signallers posing with what appears to be a contemporary from an Armoured Recce Battalion. The Soldaten are seen here in a forest by a cabin in Woskressenskoje (Western Russia). A date is unknown but assumed to be 1942.
The Artillery Signallers also known as Funkeren d. Artillerieare seen here to the right wearing M40 tunics. This is easily identified by the trade patch on the left sleeve seen above their rank patches. This trade-patch being a black patch with a red downward sticking lighting bolt with an pointed arrow at the end. Both of the Artillerie Funkers are of the rank of Gefreiter, seen by the single chevron patch. Seen in an informal photograph they pose without any belt, as clearly seen by the shining belt hook by the right Funker who is also seen wearing Jackboots in comparison to the other who is seen to the right wearing Lowboots and Gamaschen combination. The same Funker is seen with an award of Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen (General Assault badge), seen here in silver grade. The General Assault badge was awarded for the support of fighting infantry units. This inferring that this Funker had been involved with some previous combat. He is also seen holding a potted plant in the centre of the photograph.
The other four Soldaten are members of the Funker d. PzAufk ( Funker Panzer-Aufklärungs). Seen in a mixture of uniforms, The most clearest to identify is the Funker d. PzAufk seen to the right wearing an M40 tunic. This is clearly identified by the black shoulderboards he is seen with. He is also seen wearing Schnurschuhe u.Gamaschen a different type of Gamaschen to the Funker as seen without buckles in a anklet form worn with low-boots. The other three seen towards the back are wearing denim fatigues in white and feldgrau. In addition to this are wearing jackboots.
The Soldaten here find themselves around an occupied cabin in the woods in the region of Woskressenskoje which is located in Western Russia (This is told to us by the reverse information). The cabin would have previously belonged to civilians local to the Woskressenskoje area, but seen here the Soldaten have occupied the residence and turned it to a likely headquarters for their operations in the forest and surrounds. Soldaten across the Wehrmacht, Waffen SS and other organisations that played supportive roles in the field such as the Org Todt and RAD would all have taken advantages of structure's such as houses, barns and factories. Occupation of buildings in the field such as this gives great advantages to keep orders and intelligence for nearby operations, resulting in efficient pass over of strategies and supporting advances. This would have proved more crucial in the vast landscape and terrain of Russia and across the Eastern Front.
The Soldaten have made themselves at home in this cabin. As seen to the left of shot, the stahlhelms of the Soldaten hung up under the overhang of the wooden cabin and thatched roof. In addition to this on the right side of the Soldaten, below the window on the window ledge is what appears to be containers and tins. This likely food ready to be eaten and personal items such as shaving cream and soap. Next to this hanging up can be seen other clothes likely tunics or a Mantel.
The reverse of this photo also details a nickname among the Soldaten for the cabin in which they are seen photographed at, this nickname being "The Cabin of Hope" roughly translated as "Die Hütte der Hoffnung". This Cabin being held of some significance to the Soldaten to nickname this building as such. The Soldaten taking this photograph to remember their time in the field and in service in Russia. This likely being sent home enclosed in a feldpost to their families and loved ones at home. This photo would provide comfort and re assurance to their loved ones at home that they are safe among the trees in Western Russia. A crisp in the field photograph showing Soldaten of the Funkeren d. Artillerieare and Funker d. PzAufk in Western Russia enjoying a break from fighting.
It has to be said that some photographs we have in the collection are really puzzling, and this one started that way. We both had to really really magnify some parts to get the info confirmed. This has been one of the more interesting ones so far in 2022. BUT 2022 will see some amazing new additions, because there is a large acquisition in the offing, and probably the most ambitious post so far will likely hit mid may or june.
Ammazing Info mate, u learn something everyday cheers